Albania-Greece police cooperation

30/05/2015 00:00

Police Directors of both countries have signed a cooperation agreement with several points.

The Chief of State Police, Haki Cako, met in Ianina with their Greek coutnerpart, Dimitros Tsaknakis. Both directors expressed their determination to improve cooperation in mutual relations.

Cako declared that the police is not divided by language or nationality.

“The police has one only language and nationality, the law. Their purpose is to serve to guarantee order and fight crime. These principles unite police officers in every country of the world”, he declared.

The parties agreed on reinforcing cooperation and preventing illegal immigration and fight against inter-border crime.

Another point is the growth and reinforcement of cooperation in the fight against organized crime, drug and human traffic.

They also agreed to increase the information exchange for people wanted by the oplice and especially for terrorist acts.

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