The Democratic Party representatives had another harsh debate with the
Head of the European Parliament delegation, even on the second day of
the inter-parliamentary meeting regarding the final variant of the joint
Sources from te meeting held behind closed doors say that MP Aldo Bumci has had a harsh debate with Monica Macovei. As result, the joint meeting between Albania and the European Parliament concluded without a joint declaration, which in Brussels is translated as a lack of political dialogue in our country.
The Parliament Members of the Democratic Party demanded to place the name of Ilir Meta as the person accused by Tom Doshi in the joint draft for the recommendations related to this investigation.
“The majority did not agree to use the name ‘Ilir Meta’, but they wanted to place only the parliament in general. This is unjust. The 140 Parliament Members have nothing to do with this”, declared the representative of the opposition in the Albania-EU meeting, Aldo Bumci.
While the Democratic Party representatives insisted to have in this declaration even other matters, such as the firing of public administration personnel or other corruption cases, the European MP of the right wing, who leads the delegation of the European Parliament in Tirana, mentioned only the first request of the Democratic Party, in which she appealed to be careful with the respecting of the principles of investigation.
“We are making appeals for an independent and impartial investigation for the accusations. It is important for us that the Prosecutor and the judge operate independently, although we know it is difficult in the beginning. However, there is always a first time. This should be the future, the fact that the judiciary makes independent and impartial investigations. It is also important to address to all parties with a message: the investigations are undergoing, the charges are being reviewed and there is no conclusion yet. It is important to understand this, because there might be accusations from the other side. We must learn how to respect these principles”, Macovei declared.
The Head of the delegation of the European Parliament gave another message for the Albanian parties.
“This is what we wanted to achieve at the recommendations. We appeal all Albanian parties to be more careful and not include in their lists people with criminal records”, declared the European MP.
The implementation of the full agreement of December 24th for the decriminalization is included in the joint declaration of Macovei and Balla, who have drafted the format. This declaration has made the majority optimistic, since for the first time they articulated a date for opening the negotiation talks. The opposition sees this phase as delayed.
Taulant Balla, Socialist Party MP: I hope that the progress of the reform process receives a good evaluation with the start of the accession talks, why not, within the Autumn of this year.
Aldo Bumçi, Democratic Party MP: One year after the candidate status and there is no hope for starting the accession talks. This is a bad news, a concerning news. Everyone was waiting for Albania to progress. It seems that the way how this government has ruled the country has not made it possible so far”.
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