Albania agrees to allow armed EU border control agents it its territory, to stop Middle Eastern immigrants

05/10/2018 20:54

The EU signed an agreement with Albania to allow European border control officers to enter our country and assist with the flux of emigrants, marking the first agreement of this kind ever signed by the EU.

“The introduction of new measures to improve controls at the EU’s external borders has led to a significant drop in illegal border crossings. But more can still be done. Cooperation with our neighbours is particularly important. This agreement will allow us to increase our support to Albania in the field of border management”, says the declaration from Brussels.

Albania is still far away from accessing the EU, but it has turned into a favoured corridor for illegal emigrants, as Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia have reinforced their borders.

Tirana has agreed to allow armed European border control agents to enter the country. They will not act under on the Albanian laws, they will not be inspected or investigated.


“Today’s agreement with Albania – the first of this kind with a third country – is a milestone in the EU’s external cooperation on border management. I hope it will pave the way for greater cooperation with the whole Western Balkan region”, said Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship.

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