A large quantity of drugs has been produced recently in Albania. Only in
the past two years the authorities have blocked 50 tons of cannabis,
while 30 tons have been seized by our neighboring countries. These are
alarming figures about the quantity of drugs that is produced in our
Every report of the European Union and the United States of the past years has had very harsh remarks in this area.
The Albanian Police has blocked 4 tons of drugs only in the past month, while our neighbors up to 1 ton, raising the alarm that the Albanian traffickers have considerable reserves of cannabis sativa.
11.2 tons were seized in 2011. One year later, 21.2 tons of cannabis. In 2013, 25 tons and only in January 2014, 4 tons. But it is unknown if these figures are a result of the increased fight against the drug traffic, or of the increase quantity of production.
The Interior Ministry rejects the accusations of the opposition, and declares that the drug that was planted last summer and that was not controlled by the police, was the one bringing higher problems during this year. Their goal is to have to have lower crops this year by destroying parcels. However, according to the police, Lazarat remains the biggest producer.
Although all international agencies mention Lazarat as an acute problem, the police has no intervention plan in the village, at least not officially.
The police has been unable to block the motorboats of traffickers during chases on the sea. For this reason, the Interior Minister appealed the Greek and Italian counterparts for help in joint operations, by creating a maritime safety triangle.
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