The Rinas Concession was sold for 90 million USD to Chinese Company
“Everbright Global Airport and Investment Fund”. Unofficial sources
confirmed for Top Channel that the sale between the Chinese Company and
the TIA concessionary has been signed.
“Everbright Global Airport and Investment Fund” is part of the “China Everbright” company supported by the Chinese state and specialized in managing assets with a wide investment portfolio.
The company has established a fund focused on investments in the aviation sector, but also in European infrastructure.
In an interview for Hong Kong Economic Journal, the CEO of China Everbright had declared that the objective of their company is to develop the logistic part of merchandise air transportation.
The CEO of TIA, Rolf Castro-Vasquez, said that the sale aims for a further development of the airport’s infrastructure.
However, TIA says that the negotiations are undergoing, and more phases are expected before the agreement is concluded and the news is made public.
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