Bedo Hysi, 13, a tetraplegic child who lives in a remote Tepelena area, near the Dukaj village, has received a wheelchair and other aids from the Red Cross and its volunteers in Tepelena.
" /> Bedo Hysi, 13, a tetraplegic child who lives in a remote Tepelena area, near the Dukaj village, has received a wheelchair and other aids from the Red Cross and its volunteers in Tepelena.

Aid for tetraplegic child

30/07/2013 00:00

Hysi, 13, a tetraplegic child who lives in a remote Tepelena area, near
the Dukaj village, has received a wheelchair and other aids from the
Red Cross and its volunteers in Tepelena.

Two Albanian emigrants in Germany and England have also donated a sum of money. Shadija, the mother of this child, had made an appeal for at least a wheelchair, but the case has touched more people and the support has been also with other necessary objects.

“When we saw the news report, and from the connections that we had with your TV station, we decided to help this child even due to the nature of our association. We are happy that we realized one of the emergent needs that this child has. We have also attached a food package and hygienic and household objects, from the Tepelena Red Cross branch”, declared Zhaneta Kala, representative of the Red Cross.

The aid was also sent by some emigrants. Gentian Xheko from Germany writes:

”I am an Albanian emigrant who has left the country in an early age to work in Germany. I am giving this modest donation not because I am rich, but because I know what it means to not have. I think that everyone who sees it this way will always find how to help people in difficulties, such as the Hysi family”.

Besnik Qema, another Albanian emigrant in England, declared that the images were very sensitive for his family in Londor. His support was in money with the value of a wheelchair and says he hopes to meet the Hysi family soon.

Shadija, the mother of the tetraplegic child says that everyone who supported her will always remain her friends and relatives.

“The two emigrants who were concerned about the problem of my child and mine, and the fact that my son’s pension was cut, they were very close to me in this moment and I want to thank them and their families. They will be as brothers to me”, Shadija said.

The 13-year-old boy has the tetraplegic status and receives the fund of this category for years, but every time that the documents need to be renewed, the woman has to transport him on her arms for kilometers, so that she can take him in front of the commission.

The Hysi family lives only on the pension of the 13-year-old boy.

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