“Amnesty International” asked for urgent measures to be taken for the 37
Roma families who risk being evicted from their homes in Tirana.
The declaration was given on August 5th, two days before the deadline set by the Construction Company “Park Construction Albania”, for freeing the spaces at the former Art Work Realization Center, where some of these families lived for the past 10 years.
AI says that the land owners has not respected the procedures of the law and that the authorities have not taken the necessary measures to guarantee an alternative shelter to the Roma families.
The Human Right Organization refers to the information taken by the Ombudsman, saying that the construction has started in some part of the site, for which they have secured a permit and that the company has asked the Roma families to move.
Regardless of the request made by the Ombudsman, the company says that they have no obligation for the Roma who have squatted the land without any right.
AI writes that although Albania has no law that prohibits evictions by force, the existing law bounds the land owners to give a 10 day warning to the occupants.
“None of the Roma families have been notified officially. They have been threatened by the construction company and some have filed a report at the police”, AI says.
The organization appeals the Mayor of Tirana and the Minister of Labor, Social Matters and Equal Opportunities, Spiro Ksera, to look for a solution of this issue within August 30th.
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