Ahmeti meets Rama: “Ochrid agreement, basic priority”

15/12/2016 00:00

The leader of the Albanian BDI party in Macedonia, Ali Ahmeti, met for
more than two hours with the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, and
Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati.

Ali Ahmeti’s party won 10 Parliamentary seats, putting him in a kingmaking position. Sources from the Ministry said today that Rama’s line is what has been made public, that the Albanian factor should be in function of the implementation of the Ochrid agreement with whatever government is formed.

The freedom and rights of Albanians, equal to the other citizens of Macedonia, should be a basic priority. Ahmeti also met with the Parliament Speaker of Albania, Ilir Meta.

When asked by Top Channel, Ahmeti said it is still early to speak about coalitions, but he brought the conditions that BDI cannot change:

“Ochrid Agreement, NATO and EU accession, equal economic development for all communities. These are the principles on which we will develop negotiations in the future”, said Ali Ahmeti, who added that it is still early to speak about a new coalition with Gruevski.

“In this moment it is important to not let the country in crisis. These elections should help ending the crisis and have a good new start in the Republic of Macedonia. We must have stability as our first priority, and we must not lose time”, Ahmeti said.

The BDI leader commented about more Albanian votes going towards the LSDM.

“I see this as a tendency of a Macedonian political to have Albanians in their party so that tomorrow they can say that they also care of the Albanian problems, always if there isn’t anything diabolic hiding behind it”, Ahmeti said.

Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta said for the media that Macedonia’s stability is essential for Albania.

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