Ahmetaj explains regional goals achieved in Vienna Summit

27/08/2015 00:00

Albanian Minister of Economy, Arben Ahmetaj, explained for Top Channel regional agreements achieved during the Vienna Summit, stressing the successful outcome of the two infrastructural projects, whose feasibility studying will start in September.

“Negotiations done by Prime Minister Rama for the Adriatic-Ionian and dhe Nish-Prishtinë-Durrës highways are of special importance for Albania. The latter especially would put the port of Durrës as a key naval point in the region”, Ahmetaj said. He also explained that since cost for those projects exceed financial capacities of regional governments, help from European institutions is needed the most, in order not to put this burden on to state budgets.

Ahmetaj revealed Prime Minister Rama suggested during the summit for the establishment of a regional economic union and the creation of a Regional Development Bank, both ideas supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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