Three high-rank officials have been summoned for questioning at the
Tirana Prosecution, as people who might have valid information about the
theft of 713 million ALL.
Since Ardian Bitraj insists that he has spent all the money in gambling shops, the General Director of the Gambling Supervision, Luneda Sufali, and the Operative Director of the same institution, Enis Tushi, are called for a testimony.
Unofficial sources say that Sufali and Tushi have been asked about how the registers of the gambling shops near Bitraj’s house are kept. The question is made while experts are working to give an answer about the computers they seized in Bitraj’s neighborhood.
Gent Gazheli, the General Director of the Money Laundering Prevention Directory was also called in the Prosecution not only to give information about any money laundering process by the gambling shops, but also because this directory has signed an agreement with the Bank of Albania for preventing the money laundering process.
The Prosecutor of this case, Ramadan Troci, has interrogated once again the two suspects. While Bitraj keeps insisting that he lost all the money in gambling, his colleague has changed her stance.
Different from before, when she said she was not aware of the theft, Bruzia says that she had noticed the disappearance of 40 million ALL, but she did not report it, hoping that Bitraj would replace them as promised.
Due to the secrecy, the investigative group has been very silent about information. However, non officially they say that the circle of suspects has widened, which means that the Prosecution might make any surprise with another arrest request.
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