Against the deviation of the Radika River

12/12/2013 00:50

The protest of the people from Dibra against the decision to deviate the
Radika River waters has arrived in the Macedonian government as well.

The leader of the Diber Commune, Bashkim Mashkulli, handed over the unanimous decision at the council. The decision is against the construction of the “Fusha e Llukoves” hydropower plant, which would deviate the Radika River to the Vardar River, making it pour in the Aegean Sea and not the Adriatic.

“We are not against the construction of energy projects, but we are against the deviation of the Radika River. The deviation would send the Radika River to Vardar and then Greece”, declared Bashkim Mashkulli, leader of the Communal Council in Diber.

The deviation of the Radika river will deprive the residents of the irrigation water, and also increases the chances for earthquakes in Diber.

“The Dibra spas have thermal waters, and if the Radika River deviates, there could be explosions. The Diber underground has hot water and if Radika is deviated, there could be an earthquake”, declared Abdyl Koleci, Director of the Water Association in Diber.

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