After the chaos in the Assembly, Sali Berisha and 3 members of the democratic opposition are penalized again

15/02/2023 15:47

The head of the Albanian opposition DP, Sali Berisha, will not participate in the plenary sessions for the next 10 days. This is the decision taken with the votes of the socialist members in the Secretariat of the Parliament for Procedures, Voting and Ethics.

For Berisha, this is the second exemption from the assembly in the span of two months.

Along with Berisha, DP deputies Flamur Noka, Edi Paloka and Belind Kelliçi received the same punishment, and they were expelled for 5 days each.

The exclusion of four democratic deputies came after the request of seven socialist deputies, who said that Flamur Noka, with repeated actions, prevented the normal development of the session. Sali Berisha used unworthy parliamentary language, while Edi Paloka and Belind Këlliçi were punished after, in cooperation with Berisha and Noka, they participated in actions blocking the floor of the parliament, during Monday’s session.

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