After France, Albania plans banning cellphones in schools

03/08/2018 18:45

After the French Parliament voted a law to ban cell phones in public schools, the Ministry of Education also ordered school directors that cell phones will be banned for students and teachers as well.

“If students see that teachers don’t use their phones, they will have a good model as well”, said Oriana Osmani, a teacher at the Petro Nini Luarasi high-school.

An alternative solution could be using lockers where they could put cell phones before entering class, an effort that was already been made by the Petro Nini Luarasi school before the Minister’s order.

In France they will place detectors as well, which will also block waves. What we don’t know is how high school students will react.

“This is something that we cannot avoid. I wouldn’t be able to stay six hours without my cell-phone,” one student says.

“I don’t think the law will work. Students will find a way to smuggle it inside”, another student says.


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