Aflatoxin, not only in milk

06/03/2013 00:00

After alarms rose about the presence of Aflatoxin in milk, above the
norms allowed by the EU, and after consumers were calmed by the Ministry
of Agriculture, experts explain that the toxic substance derives from
food that is fed to animals, most of which is imported.

“Aflatoxin is produced by several mosses. There are a great number of mosses that pollute animal food in humidity, and create toxic substances in these conditions. Milk producing animals receive food from Serbia, Slovenia and Poland”, says Nefail Biba, Prof.Doc of Veterinarian Pharmaceutics and Toxicology.  

Prof.Nefail Biba suspects that this substance is also present in other foods.

“These are present in most of our foods. We cannot control all of them. Bread could also have this problem”, the expert says.

Experts appeal for harsher controls not only on foods, but the entire production chain.

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