“Transadriatik” directors, agreement in Tirana

21/07/2011 16:50

The development director for the “Transadriatic” pipeline, Barnim
Piecorovski, gave an interview for Top Channel, saying that the next
months will be decisive for the inclusion of Albania in international
gas networks.

“Shah Denizi shareholders, the source of this pipeline, communicated to all three projects that the decision will be taken by the end of this year, or in the first months of the year to come. After this, the winning project will start by 2014”, Piecorovski declared.

The “Transadriatic” pipeline is the only one that includes Albania in the international gas network. Parallel to it there are two rival projects that are competing for the transportation of the Caspian gas to Europe.

“We believe that we will be the winners, because we have the best financial offers. There are three of most powerful energetic companies that have joined our project, which have a very wide experience from other projects. We also believe that the political context is in our favor”, Piecorovski declared.

The leaders of the pipeline that will be built by a consortium of Europe’s biggest energy companies visited Tirana to sign a memorandum of understating. Albania has been lobbing for many years for the “Transadriatic” project, which is the only one that connects it with the gas network.

But the last word for the winning project is up to the Azerbaijani government and the shareholders that own the Shah Denizi field, from where the pipeline will be supplied with gas.

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