Administrative measures for 67 mining subjects

02/11/2011 08:25

The National Agency of Natural Resources, dependant from the Ministry of
Energy, Trade and Economy set administrative measures against 67 mining

“Shqip” newspaper says that the team established at this institution has reviewed the documentation and have noted several violations related with the lack of implementation of mining law.

64 subjects have not presented the annual plan and the annual financial information report. For two other subjects, the deadline of the mining permit has expired and they have not presented any documentation. The agency has requested the revocation of the mining license for one subject, for failing to present the necessary documentation.

The National Agency of Natural Resources announces that the fined subjects must start the procedures for paying the obligations and take the necessary measures so that their activity fulfills all legal requirements. NANR also announces that these subjects will be submitted to constant inspections.

If the subjects will not respect the legal obligations, this institution will revoke their licenses.

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