After the three years long efforts for having a qualified voting for the
draft-law “for the administrative disagreements” and the failure of
this odyssey that was supposed to bring the functioning of the
Administrative Court, the Minister of Justice, Eduard Halimi, revealed
the last resort plan that according to him will bring solution.
Halimi unveiled for Top Channel the strategy that will be implemented if the draft-law for the Administrative Chamber will not be elected.
“We will not wait for the construction of the Palace of Justice, because there’s another building that will be temporarily used for the Administrative Court. The building is at the Don Bosko Street, owned by the Ministry of Justice and is being used by the Administrative Court. We have closely worked with the Administration Office of the Judicial Budget. They have ended the tendering process for the project. Everything will close within 6 months, and the Albanians will have one Administrative Chamber or the Administrative Court. If by then we will not have the Administrative Court voting, the Administrative Chamber will be established and will be a quick technical solution”, Halimi declared.
According to the Ministry of Justice, there’s a study for the change of the Judges’ duties, 16 of whom will have the Administrative Judge Status.
On September 2010, the Parliament was unable to find 84 votes for passing the Administrative Court law, what brought several critics from the US Embassy, since the 16 million USD fund came from USAID.
The most important draft that is related with the justice reform in Albania keeps staying in suspension.
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