Administrative Court law passed

03/05/2012 19:55

Parliament passed through consensus the Administrative Court law, which
requires a qualified majority and that the majority and opposition had
agreed to review and approve on November agreement.

But consensus did not stop the Socialists and the Democrats from reminding the past, since this law was approved three years late, despite the persistence of Brussels and Washington.

The Socialists underlined that they were able to amend 34 of the law, since the government’s variant was incomplete.

“80% of the articles have changed in commission, while we added 23 articles. This shows how right we were about our hesitation. After this approval, you must have the courage and to admit that your project was incomplete and failed. You must apologize for the mud that you tried to throw against us”, declared the Socialist MP, Fatmir Xhafaj.

But the democrats did not defend this logic. According to them, the opposition should have done this three years ago, rather than burning the financial help of Albania on behalf of their leader, Edi Rama.

“You convinced your leader to delay the reform, because he thought that by boycotting, he would damage us. But in fact he damaged the Albanians, the voters and the justice reform. This is the bitter truth”, declared the Minister of Justice, Eduard Halimi.

Besides the rhetoric, the majority and opposition are obliged to cooperate again, because for the Administrative Court law to enter in act, not only the government must guarantee the necessary infrastructure, but the Parliament will also approve through consensus the amend of two other laws that require qualified majority, one of which is the law for the Supreme Court.

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