Accident with the police patrol

01/08/2013 15:30

Three months after the accident that left one police officer dead and
another one wounded, the author of this tragedy has appeared in front of
the court not on murder charges, but for causing an accident.

The lawyer of the 37-year-old defendant asked the court to take in consideration that there is no expertise from the authorities showing if the police patrol that was hit by his car was respecting the rules of the road.

For the Prosecution, the death of Inspector Selman Lena and the injuries of his colleague, Preng Lleshi, was caused by the car that was being driven by the defendant.

The Court left Edmir Koleci in prison for violating the road circulation rules. On May 4th he was respassing the speed limits when a Kamza police patrol tried to stop him. As result, inspector Selman Lena and was killed by the crash with the defendant’s car, and his colleague received very severe wounds.

The case went to the Prosecution of Serious Crimes for the charges of murder in qualified circumstances, but the Prosecutors decided that this case was a competence of other normal courts, since it was based on the violation of traffic rules.

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