Accession negotiations, Fleckenstein: Date depends on reforms

25/02/2015 00:00

In an interview for Top Channel, Knut Fleckenstein, the rapporteur for
Albania at the European Parliament, gave the reasons why there is no
specified date for the EU accession negotiations of Albania.

Knut declared that everything will depend on how fast will the reforms be made, while corruption remains a concern.

Top Channel: Mr.Fleckenstein, why there is no proposition in your report for starting the accession negotiations with Albania?

Knut Fleckenstein: I think that I have made it clear. Not only me, but most of the people in this Parliament, would want to see Albania start the negotiations the sooner the better. But I am unable to give a date. This is up to the Albanian government and Parliament. It depends on how quickly they will finalize the reforms. I am sure that they are on the right track, and for this reason I think that this will be finalized very soon.

Top Channel: Where should they focus their attention and how much of a danger ar ethe Albanian “foreign fighters”? Are they really 500?

Fleckenstein: I have no information about the accurate number, but hundreds of them are a lot. On the other hand, we know from EUROPOL, INTERPOL and the USA that the Albanian government is giving its best to fight terrorism. This is a positive thing. However, same as in my country, we need to see with details what should be done to avoid having young men get ties with terrorism. As for Albania, the corruption and organized crime cases remain a concern. This government has started many things about this. Some have been announced, some reforms were voted and others are undergoing. It is a matter of time. No one can do everything within one year or within a short period of time. There has been work done.

Top Channel: Is the visa-free regime at risk? Do you agree with Fayon about the alarm of the increased number of Albanian asylum seekers?

Fleckenstein: I know that this problem is present, but I think it is more up to Kosovo than to Albania. However, ways are needed to develop the Albanian economy for the people. Everyone wants to stay home and not be forced to go to a foreign country. We need to support the government and the Albanian Parliament for creating economic situations which would make people stay home.

Prepared by: Arta Tozaj

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