The European left parties invited in Brussels their sister parties from
Balkan to discuss the enlargement process and the treatment of
immigrants in a higher level meeting that aimed to approve a final
declaration on October 14th, the day foreseen for publishing the
progress reports from the European Commission.
Although the deadline has been postponed, the enlargement remains important for the Union, according to the leaders of the Social Democrat Group of the European Parliament. The representatives of the two Albanian parties insisted to open the accession negotiations with the EU, underlining the importance of the judiciary reform.
Taulant Balla, vice leader of the Socialist Party Parliamentary Group: “We must understand that the judiciary reform is not complete with just a law. In this remaining part of the parliamentary session and until December the Constitutional amends must have passed. Later we can continue with the other law amends, for laws with qualified or simple majority, so that the rule of law can be implemented in Albania and Court can be independent, and so that the laws will not be contested. What’s most important, so that the fight against corruption, which is completely related to a functional judiciary system can finally brings success.
Ralf Gjoni, International Secretary of SMI: I have asked the Social Democrat group to work together with the European Parliament Group and convince the opposition to be more involved in this reform, because this is an important reform that should also be stable. I have said that another priority of Albania is resolving the property issue, which has been discussed at the EU corridors, a matter that is impeding foreign investments. On the other hand, economy should be a priority.
For the SMI, the economic conditions and unemployment of youth are the main reasons why Albanians abandon the country. Despite the data reported by the civil society representative, the Director for Balkan at the European Commission, Jean-Eric Paquet declared that Albania’s case is not isolate, because there is an increasing number of fake asylum seekers from the entire region.
Prepared by: Arta TOZAJ
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