Abuses with payments for the disabled

19/07/2014 00:00

The International Monetary Fund advises the Albanian government to
intervene and clean that 150 million USD program for the disabled

The IMF says that the scheme has abuses, and the cleaning work has been stagnating. This has also been admitted by the Albanian government, which says in a letter exchange with the IMF that the reduction of the number of payments for this category has been small and will be less than the initial budget predictions.

The payment for the disabled people in the past years has grown rapidly. According to the Ministry of Finances, the fund has doubled from 2010 to 2013, making the spending unnatural.

The state budget gives 190 million USD each year for the categories in need, but more than 80% of this sum goes to the invalidity scheme, and only 20% remains as a proper economic aid for poor families.

In a document made public some time ago in Tirana, the World Bank says that 31% of those who receive welfare as disabled have no disabilities at all.

The Ministry of Labor started a wide action for verifying the people who benefit from the social programs. But while they have found a large number of abuses with the welfare payment, reducing its payment to 15%, the number of abuses with the disabled people will need more time to be verified, according to the Ministry of Finances.

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