Every tradesman or individual who imports more than 1000 EUR of products
very soon will pay an additional fee of 39 EUR besides the usual taxes
for the state.
The money will not go to the state, but to a private company chosen by the government. Two months before the elections the government confirmed the concession that allows S2 Albania company to scan the containers in Customs.
The service has been given as a monopoly and the law obliges everyone who passes customs to pay the fee, even when they don’t receive the service.
The Customs Code doesn’t allow scanning of more than 12% of the containers, but the government has placed the fee even for the containers that will not be scanned. Another legal maneuver has expanded the market even further.
When the law passed in Parliament, it stated that the fee would be paid by containers and other vehicles in the Customs, but in the concessionary agreement this has changed and the obligation has been placed on customs declarations. Through this cahnge the incomes of the private company will increase several times, because one truck could have 20 declarations.
As result the concession produces paradoxes that make the fee for the private much higher than the tax taken by the state. According to the Ministry of Finances, the private operator will have a profit of 12.5 million EUR each year, but experts say that the real profit could go to 20.
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