Abandoned by her mother, with her father in prison, 8-year-old takes care of her sick grandmother, in Fiks Fare’s appeal for help

18/09/2023 21:52

The show Fiks Fare brought tonight the sad story of an 8-year-old girl who now takes care of her sick 74-year-old grandmother, since none of her parents are with her.

Sheila, a second grader, lives alone with her grandmother, who in turn says that she raised her granddaughter herself.

“her father is in prison, the mother abandoned her, I raised her alone, but now I am sick and cannot serve her. We are in very difficult economic conditions and the minor also cooks for me”, says the 74-year-old woman.

The only income of Sheila and her grandmother is the old woman’s state pension with which they pay the rent of the house. The elderly woman says that it is now impossible to take care of her because of her health condition.

Even under these conditions, Sheila has never complained about anything. But the grandmother is in pain for her little one who has grown up before her time, so she turned to the Fiks Fare show to ask for help.

Meanwhile, the 8-year-old says that she often misses school because of her grandmother’s health. “I didn’t go to school today because my mother was sick, so I’m often absent,” says the 8-year-old.

Sheila says that she wakes up at 5 in the morning, and after giving the medication to her grandmother, she has to prepare to eat, or wash, clean, do all the housework.

Meanwhile, she speaks little about her parents, she says that she has not met her father in prison, as there is no one to take her to see him, she only communicates with him on the phone, while with her mother she does not speak at all.

When journalists ask her what she needs, she answers: “I need toys, clothes, school aids.

“I haven’t bought the tools to go to school yet, all my friends have bought them”, she told reporters of Fiks Fare.


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