The Parliamentary Commission of Economy voted only with the majority’s
votes a draft-law that gives 9 hectares of public land to a private
company with the symbolic fee of 1 Euro.
The draft foresees the construction of a wide network of schools at the former Valias mine, but the opposition voted against, since they have suspicions of the credibility of the project.
“What financial guarantees can you give that a company which has only 100.000 ALL of capital at the registration center, will be able to invest 40 million USD”, declared Erjon Brace at the Commission.
The Socialist MP suspect on the financial abilities of the company that is registered with a capital of 100.000 ALL.
“Experience tells that on 90% of the cases when you have given a project without guarantees, you have failed”, Malaj declared.
Edmond Spaho, the Chairman of the Commission of Economy declared that the financial guarantee of the project comes from the partner companies in this project.
“The partners are serious and the agreement is in full accordance with the law. The Company has a series of similar projects in other countries of the world”, Spaho declared.
The Company is called “The American International School System” and is a non-profit institution.
According to the government, the project will open more than 1000 new jobs and will help the development of the area at the former mine of Valias, closed from many years now.
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