7 taxes that Albanian citizens pay on the gas price

30/06/2018 21:39

Albanian citizens pay 7 taxes on oil, which is almost a world record.

Most of the taxes go to the state budget, but now citizens are about to pay for private operators as well. But what are these seven taxes?

For every litre of oil that is sold in the market, the Albanian government collects 37 ALL for excise, 27 ALL for the circulation tax, 3 ALL for the carbon tax, 7-10 for the relicensing tax.

These are the taxes that go to the budget, but there are others which go to private operators. The “marking tax”, 1 ALL per litre, and the scanning tax, 1.4 ALL per litre. After these taxes, citizens also pay VAT, which is 20% of the final price, or 30 ALL per litre.

This takes the tax burden at 109.4 ALL per litre. But how is Albania compared to other countries?

Citizens in Macedonia pay only excise and VAT on oil, or 48 ALL per litre, 2.3 times less than taxes in Albania in Albania.

Macedonia is not the only country that pays less. Most of the taxes that Albanians pay on oil, such as the circulation tax, the scanning and marking, do not exist in any other country of Europe.

These taxes were made up in Albania to fill the government budget, but also to pay off private concessionary companies, forcing Albanians to pay for gas more than Germans and Austrians.

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