Hamide Blacari has been working as a welder in the metallurgical plant of the city for almost half a century.
Although this profession was not her choice but of the communist system that decided on her professional education, Hamide does not complain.
“At that time, it was a developing industry that needed specialists from different branches.
We were taken there, as we did not know what the profession was like, but now I am very proud of this work, as I do it with love”, says Blacari.
At the time, Hamide had many female colleagues who worked with her, while today she says that she may be the only woman in Albania who works as a welder.
“When we started work, there were hundreds of women and girls, but in 1992 the factories and plants were closed, and they went out of work or threw them on the streets.
Until two years ago, I had two other women colleagues, while today there is only me”, says the welder.
Although at retirement age, the 66-year-old woman continues to work as a welder.
Last year, Hamideja faced serious health problems, as she had to start chemotherapy to fight a serious illness.
Despite this, the welder says that work is the best medicine.
Asked how she gets through the difficult period, the woman answers: “I work with reduced hours, the medications are very expensive, I have to… ”
“We have to work and be active, work is one of these things that removes stress and also helps you economically”, she adds.
When Hamide is asked if she would like her children to have the same profession, her answer is no, and there is a reason for that.
“No, one in the family is enough.
The girl and the boy will choose their own paths. The pension here is very low, 18 thousand ALL. Our profession is category B, after the miners and oil workers, and we are not valued as much despite the fact that we are vulnerable to radiation, dust, and various gases.”
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