40% pay raise for teachers

10/10/2017 00:00

One of the promises made by the Rama 2 government is a transformation of
schools with infrastructure, equipment, sportive terrains and higher
salaries for teachers.

“All preuniversity teachers will have a 40% raise. These decisions will be taken with the Ministry of Finances. I believe that the growth will be progressive, from year to year. Within the first 100 days, but also during the second 300 days, there will be a subvention scheme for the best 300 teachers”, said Gert Janaqi, Director of the Education Development Institute.

What about the teachers that fail the qualification test? Will they be excluded from the pay raise?

“The qualification test is based on the pre-university law. It is attributed to the fact that if a teacher has been working for 5, 10 or 20 years in education, they receive the qualification bonus, which is an increased payment. The qualification test doesn’t penalize anyone or removed anyone from their jobs. It only gives them the opportunity to take a pay raise”, Janaqi declared.

On the international day of teachers, October 5th, Minister Nikolla promised new challenges for teachers who will be involved in curricula similar to those of western countries.

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