23-anniversary of FRESSH, Rama: Victory in the local elections and in 2017

15/01/2015 00:00

Thousands of young Socialist Party supporters gathered at the Palace of
Congresses for the 23rd anniversary of FRESSH, and important institution
at the Socialist Party.

Ilir Meta, today a Parliament Speaker, started his political career through this forum, as the leader of FRESSH. He says that this organization is unique in Eastern Europe, which brought modernization in the Socialist Party through a democratic culture.

“The 23-rd anniversary of FRESSH is a historic moment. It takes us 23 years back on time to remember today the historic importance of this inspiring organization for bringing youth to politics. It brought the co-existence within a political force, through the presentation of different ideas an alternatives. The general co-existence within a political force through different thoughts and alternatives, the co-existence in general in the political life of our country is would I would underline about FRESSH”, Meta declared.

Pandeli Majko, another former FRESSH member who became Prime Minister, says:

“This is a dream that keeps going on. Without this dream we would be nothing. FRESSH, today and 23 years ago, it is a dream that will keep saying its word. They might seem young today, like they don’t understand things very well, but they are the future”, Majko declared.

The motto of this year’s celebration was “Power of 1 million”. Prime Minister Rama, also Socialist Party leader, started the electoral motors of the local elections by promising that these will be the first elections in Albania where no teacher or public employee will be forced to participate in meetings. No high-school will be treated as a bunch of sheep obliged to hear the politicians speaking against each other.

Rama said that the protagonists of these elections will not be politicians, but the youth.

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