2018 welcomed with fireworks and celebrations throughout Albania

01/01/2018 18:36

Many Albanian cities welcomed the New Year 2018 with fireworks. In Durres, fireworks were also accompanied by ship horns.

There weren’t too many people on the Durres city center, where the municipality had not organized any celebration. But the coastline promenade was very lively, with the reflection of fireworks and full moon on the calm Adriatic Sea.

The poor town of Bulqiza also threw fireworks and decorated the traditional tree and lights.

In Korca 2018 was received with many fireworks, which covered the square in front of the Cathedral.

Fier also celebrated with firework. Many citizens gathered at the traditional tree and threw hundreds of firework.

Hundreds of people also gathered in Gjirokastra, while most of the restaurants and clubs were full.

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