A 35.000 hectares land, where the “Mother Theresa” school is going to be built, already causing a conflict between the Municipality of Tirana and the Agriculture University, was previously set to be used for the construction of an apartment building.
The owners of the land, Sevasti and Parashqevi Qiriazi sisters, say that they had signed an agreement with a construction company in 2012, when the Mayor of Tirana was the now Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha.
Robert Dako, owners of this land, said that the plan was abandoned due to the lack of funds. But he sais that the property that has caused a debate today, doesn’t belong to the university. “Part of the university is built on our property and we have never bothered them. The rector is someone who doesn’t know property or human rights, and tries to act as owner in a place where he has no competence”, Dako said.
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