The Albanian PM, Sali Berisha, spoke in today Parliamentary Plenary
session in which was discussed the Draft-Budget 2012, declaring that
this draft guarantees the macro-economic stability of the Albanian
“The core of this budget is composed of the healthiest EU criteria, and its focus is the Albanian family and citizen. We have increased wages and pensions and our economic policy has given successful results”, the Prime Minister declared.
Berisha addressed to the opposition by asking them to not fall prey of what the Prime Minister called “The Tunnel Syndrome”.
Berisha declared that the opposition has opposed this budget without giving any arguments.
“I understand that this is the most difficult day of the year for you. I can read it in your faces. In the last year, you fell in the terrible Tunnel Syndrome, for opposing the construction of the Kerraba tunnel. You entered your own tunnel and never got out of there. I tried to cure you, but it was impossible. I used all my medical-psychological abilities, but it was impossible. You have this syndrome, and that is why you don’t vote the budget”, Berisha declared.
“I am open to all suggestions, my cabinet too. There’s a chance that the budget of the 100th anniversary of independence could be made the best budget of the history of our country”, Berisha declared to the opposition MPs. Berisha invited the opposition to take the necessary time to formulate the questions about the budget.
The PM declared that the Albanian economy stood against the global crisis, facing an always growing budget.
“In these years, we have been able to collect 8 billion ALL more”, Berisha declared.
The Socialist Parliament Group leader, Gramoz Ruci, declared that the budget does not reduce unemployment and has no new fiscal policies.
“This budget does not support agriculture, education, and does not resolve the problem of waste materials, rivers and forests. It also doesn’t give any hope for the former owners. The budget does not resolve any of the 12 EU priorities”, Ruci declared.
Ruci offered the Socialist propositions:
In an interview for Top Channel, the head of the Socialist Parliamentary Group unfolded the opposition’s conditions for passing the draft-budget:
“These are our propositions. This is not a populist offer, but an offer that the opposition lays down, because we are in an extreme poverty. These are realistic propositions for resolving the citizens’ problems”, Gramoz Ruci declared.
Braçe: State submitted to corruption
The Socialist MP declared on the Parliament that corruption is prevailing in our 100-years-old state and PM Berisha is responsible for this. After Brace, he is keeping his power by openly showing that he doesn’t care about the Albanians, but only about his family and himself.
“80% of the Albanian wealth is owned by 1% of the population. Altogether, we have all reasons for overthrowing this government as soon as possible, seeing the great poverty, the problems that the people are facing each day”, Brace declared.
The Socialist MP underlined that there’s no Albanian that doesn’t benefit from the Draft-Budget of 2012, because this draft is only in function of the Prime Minister and his court.
“Berisha has decided to challenge the Albanians. He lies when he says that employment has increased, that there’s a pension and wage growth. He lies when he says that there is money for education, health and social care for Albania”, Brace declared.
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