Ervin Bushati, Secretary for the Economic Matters at the Socialist
Party, also member of the Tirana Municipal Council, reported for the
second day the silence of the Mayor of Tirana, Lulzim Basha, for
permitting the construction of a 20-store building at the Artificial
“Come out today and deny the permit. Were you asleep when you gave this permit? Did you forget the promise that you would not put concrete at the park? Or maybe you were not asleep, but you received a huge bribe for allowing this concrete building at the Park of Tirana? It is time to keep the promises you gave during the electoral campaign, when you said that you would not do politics, but you would be the Mayor of Tirana and deal only with the problems of the Tirana citizens. You are not doing even this. Then, keep your word and go away, because the Tirana citizens want a city for their own”, declared the SP representative, Ervin Bushati.
The Tirana Municipality said for the media that the development project is limited within private property and exploits only 40% of it, which means that after the construction, the city will profit 20.000 meters of public green space.
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