The government reported that the budget revenues have grown with 18.7 billion ALL more than the same period of one year ago.
Based on the figures made public by the Ministry of Finances for the period January-June, the totalr evenues from taxes and other financial resources were 175.2 billion ALL, from 156.6 billion collected one year ago.
The data show that the 11.8% growth was mainly merit of the VAT but also of the tax on profit. 10.4 more ALL were collected only through the VAT.
Although the budget is going according to the initial plan with the revenues, the spending seems to be problematic, especially with investments. For the first six months, investments in public works were 6 billion ALL less than the plan, while compared to one year ago, the dropping pace has doubled.
This strong drop has turned into a concern for the IMF. Its report says that the Albanian government should execute investments based on a given plan, since its current pace might stop the economic growth.
In total, for 2014, the government has planned to spend 67 billion ALL, almost the same as the past year. But this time, most of it is funded by foreign sources that take more time to get realized, due to bureaucratic procedures.
According to the authorities, this was one of the main reasons for failing with its realization.
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