15 years of Constitution

22/11/2013 00:00

The 15th anniversary of the Albanian constitution was celebrated in a
conference in which was invited the Albanian President, Bujar Nishani;
the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama; the Parliament Speaker, Ilir
Meta; the European Union Ambassador to Tirana, Etore Sequi; the
President of the Constitutional Court, Bashkim Dedja, and several
experts of this area.

On the 15th anniversary of Constitution, the highest law in our country, all state leaders shared the same opinion that Constitution amends should be made in all-inclusiveness, maturity and transparence.

“I think that for entering the European Union, we should prepare to make other Constitutional amends, which follow the spirit for becoming a full member of the European Union. The points that could be discussed for reviewing the Albanian Constitution, as it has happened in all European Union members, would be limiting the national sovereignty by recognizing the European Union institutions for adopting normative acts for the new member states. The Albanian Parliament will not be the only lawmaking institution”, declared President Bujar Nishani.

“Constitution amends are not a sacrilege. It imposes all-inclusiveness to be the basic concept, based on the stability and reinforcement of the constitutional order. This process cannot be of one party and unilateral. Even if it is a politically all-inclusive process, it is insufficient when we talk about the Constitution of a country, in the life of a country where political parties represent a lot, but never everything”, declared the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama,

“The sudden amends of 2008 were a a new spirit, but against the new spirit of this document. It damaged the reports between powers, the control and balance principle, and above all, it gave a wrong message: we cannot intervene in the Constitution overnight. It is true that the Constitution is not a taboo, and as a live body it should adopt with the new economic, political, social and cultural environment of a country. But this should be done through a wide, credible, transparent and public process, with the best experts of our country and abroad”, declared the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta.

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