15 years from the death of Adem Jashari

05/03/2013 20:00

The Kosovo Security Forces “Adem Jashari” opened its doors to all
citizens for the 15th anniversary of the heroic loss of Adem Jashari,
the KLA commander, and his family.

The military ceremony in commemoration of the legendary commander and all martyrs started with a parade of the Kosovo Security Forces.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, declared that thanks to the sacrifice of the Albanians of Kosovo, 15 years ago, and by paying a very steep price, Kosovo changed its course of history.

Referring to the Kosovo Security Forces members, Thaci added that they are an institutional dedication of the Euro-Atlantic perspective.

“All Albanians are liberators. They united in the spirit and philosophy of the Kosovo Liberation Army. KLA united them, and today we honour the sacrifice of the Albanian citizens who fought for the freedom of Kosovo. Today, 15 years after the KLA epopee, we have reached undeniable achievements, but there is still much to do”, Thaci declared.

Part of this manifestation was the group of former military men from Albania, who participated in the training of the first group of Kosovan fighters in 1991, who later took their weapons against the Serbian occupiers.

The first group, according to the Albanian colonel, Hysen Ymeri, was trained in Surrel, Tirana. Part of that group was Adem Jashari and Zahir Pajaziti.

“In 1991, by order of the Ministry of Defence and the General Headquarter, we trained a group of men from Kosovo. On October-November, 250 men arrived from Kosovo and we were ordered to prepare them for a heroic war for their fatherland. Adem was commander of one group, and Zahir was commander of the other”, Imeri underlined.

Citizens and politicians paid homage to Adem Jashari’s memorial in Prekaz.

“The national achievements of our nation come from our martyrs. All regresses were caused by incompetent and corrupted politicians”, declared the leader of the Self Determination Movement, Albin Kurti.

Former PM Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, declared: “We humbly and respectfully bow to the sacrifice for freedom, promising that we will all stay united on this path”.

The tradition will continue even this year on March 7th with the “Night of Fires”, when the martyrs will be honoured with fires.

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