In the 12th day of the Bulqize mineworkers’ strike, there is still no solution in the horizon.
The strikers’ situation has deteriorated, while the parties were satisfied by only launching accusations against each other. The ACR Company has insisted for not negotiating with Kol Nikolla and Taf Koleci, who, according to the Company, are bringing the situation to a dead-end.
According to ACR, Nikolla and Koleci are fighting for their personal interests, and not for the mineworkers. The Company declared its readiness for making negotiations, but not with the two Syndication leaders. Meanwhile, the mineworkers have articulated for the first time the chances of negotiating without Nikolla and Koleci as the only way for giving a final solution to the disagreements.
“We have been ready to negotiate. We only want to reach an agreement”, says Luan Nika, the leader of the strike.
Meanwhile, other members of the Strike Commission have accused the doctors of Bulqize, who, according to them, have not replied with the appropriate readiness to their necessities.
“We are in our 12th day of strike, and the situation has deteriorated. We haven’t had any visits coming from the hospitals. The institutions are not showing interest on us”, Nika added.
The stance of the Bulqize Hospital director was all different. He declared that he has special directives from the Health Ministry for giving a 247 assistance to the strikers.
“They have only one telephone and do not accept any kind of contact. They ask help only for their friends who are in the worst conditions”, declared Fatos Hoxha, director of the hospital.
It remains to be seen what will happen in the days to come, when apparently both parties are facing a stalemate with the representatives of the dialogue tables. On one side, ACR wants to negotiate only with the mineworkers, but this is contradicted by Kol Nikolla and Taf Koleci, both leaders of the syndication. The situation of the mineworkers is becoming even more aggravated, but this doesn’t seem to concern the syndication, which is insisting more on the personal direction of the negotiations than on a real solution.
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