With a capacity of 810 prisoners, in the IEVP Fier penitentiary 119 convicts have benefited from the Criminal Amnesty by being released from prison, while another 311 convicts have benefited from the reduction of their sentences.
According to the head of the prison, Ervin Bushi, the procedures for the release of the convicts who benefit from this amnesty have started today for the release of 119 prisoners. Most of the convicts who benefit from this amnesty have been convicted for criminal offenses such as “production and sale of narcotics”, “theft”, “domestic violence”, “assisting illegal border crossing”, “carrying weapons without a permit” ” etc.
The convicts who were released today from IEPP Fier benefited from amnesty as they had 1 year and 5 months left of their sentence.
According to the director of Fier prison, those who are sentenced to life imprisonment, who have avoided justice, will not benefit, as will not those sentenced by the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime, including the likes of well-known former politicians, MPs and ministers.
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