Six people died while traveling from the Shtreza village. Seven others
were seriously wounded in a road accident at the Shishtavec-Kukes road.
The accident took place at Ura e Topojanit.
The vehicle went off road at 6:45, when the Kukes police was notified by a passerby citizen. The victims are relatives, and three of them from the same family.
`The Kukes Police declared that the victims are Fehim Biba, 58; Zykri Shehu, 65; Zamir Karanxha, 42; Bashkim Cuni, 21; Majlinda Cuni, who was reported pregnant, and Meleqe Serani.
Four were seriously wounded, including the brother of the driver, Xhevahir Cuni; Petrit Mustafa, Hyjrie Kovaci and Rustem Biba. They were all sent to the Military Hospital in Tirana.
Petrit Mustafa and Rustem Biba have remained paralyzed after damages in their spine, while Cuni is undergoing an operation. The other one who is wounded is Hyjrie Kovaci, outside of life threatening danger.
The three others who are wounded are in the Kukes hospital, outside of life threatening danger.
The Kukes Police declared for Top Channel that the driver had all the respective documents, and the accident did not take place do to excessive speed. The suspicions are that there might be a possible defect of the vehicle, or the driver might have lost control.
Experts say that the vehicle was driving in the second gear and with hand brakes on. Police investigations are undergoing.
Another road accident. Five dead in Saranda
Another road accident took place today in Saranda, after the first accident in Kukes, where six people died.
Two vehicles crashed in Saranda, causing the death of five people.
The news has been confirmed by the local police, who say that the accident took place at the Bogazi bridge.
The cause of the accident might be the humidity and wrong maneuvers of drivers.
Victims are: Petro and Kristo Mekshi, father and son from Dermish village; Fajzo and Krenar Sulo, brothers; and Taip Madani.
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