“100 court verdicts must be reviewed”

18/04/2014 00:00

The Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, sent another letter to the
Albanian President, asking him to review more than 100 verdicts of the
judiciary that have released dangerous people from prisons.

Tahiri writes in the letter that these verdicts destroy the expectancies of the citizens for justice, and reinforce the impunity culture by recycling criminality and illegality.

Tahiri says that the Court verdicts are not a private property of the judge or the authorities that govern the judiciary.

The Interior Minister has attached the 100 suspicious verdicts to his letter, for which he thinks that the HCJ should review them carefully.

Tahiri has presented 22 verdicts in which suspects accused of illegal arm possession were left with house arrest.

The report also includes the decision for freeing Arben Gropa, sentenced with 32 years in prison by the Italian Court. He received house arrest for using violence against the police.

In some cases, which the Minister considers as scandalous, the suspects have received the obligation to appear in court and were left free. Suspects have been released for wounding people with firearms, for manslaughter, premeditated wounding, murder attempt, forgery of documents, sex relations with minors, accidents with fatal consequences, etc.

The Interior Minister concludes by stating that he trusts the President will do everything possible to put the HCJ in motion to review the law implementation and justice standards.

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