10 years since the Tirana-Beijing town-twinning agreement

06/09/2018 16:44

On the 10th anniversary of Tirana’s town-twinning agreement with Beijing, the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, welcomed a special high-level delegation from China.

Tirana was chosen as the welcoming city for the 16+1 Cooperation Forum of Municipalities in 2019, an initiative started by China which aims to deepen the economic, commercial and cultural cooperation with 11 member countries of the EU, and 5 Balkan countries.

Veliaj said that this forum would turn Tirana into the epicenter of the relations with China. “There was an excellent relationship one decade ago and we are looking forward to start an intensive cooperation with Beijing”, Veliaj said, as he handed the City Key to the vice chairman of the Permanent Committee of the Popular Assembly of the Beijing Municipality, Yan Aoshuang.


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