Pink “elektrizon” publikun

05/02/2018 15:00

Edhe pse e sëmurë Pink ka shkëlqyer në performancën e saj në Super Bowl.

Në një postim në rrjetin social Instagram këngëtarja rrëfen se kjo ishte ëndrra e saj që në vitin 1991, kohë kur Whitney Huston ka kënduar himnin.

Por Pink edhe pse me grip, për shkak të fëmijëve të saj, ka arritur të ngrejë publikun në këmbë gjatë këndimit të himnit në kampionatin më të rëndësishëm të futbollit amerikan me performancën e saj të shkëlqyer.

Trying to practice the flu away. I’ve been waiting to sing this song since 1991 when I saw my idol, Whitney Houston, own this song. And now, my chance has finally come. And it just so happens that this chance comes when I have two small Petri dish kids who literally cough INTO MY MOUTH and rub their snot on my cheek. You can’t write this stuff I swear! And here we are. I’ve arrived at another one of my dreams which is slowly becoming a sort of nightmare. I will tell you, this is one of the biggest honors of my life, singing this song in front of my family, my military family, my dad and brother and step mama and family and the world. And the EAGLES!?!?! I promise I will do my best, as I always do. As far as the gremlins that got me into this mess, you can cough at me for the rest of your lives. If it’s a contest, babies, you win. #spreadthelove #spreadthegerms #pleasegivememyvoiceback #ificansingimgonnakillit

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