President Ilir Meta this Monday on Top Story

22/07/2017 00:00

Ilir Meta, founder and former leader of the Socialist Movement for
Integration, this Monday starts his major duty of representing Albania
as its President.

Meta becomes President one month after the general elections, in which his party received a significant amount of votes. However, with these results Meta couldn’t condition Rama’s government, after a very harsh electoral campaign against him and the Socialist Party.

But will Meta be able to stand above the parties, as a President should? Will he stand to what he promised during the campaign? Will he decree a government with people whom the Socialist Movement for Integration accuses of stealing the elections and of closing their eyes for the cannabis plantation.

Now that his wife will be an opposition leader as well as a First Lady, will the President know how to be free and fair for Albanians?

To these answers, President Ilir Meta will answer on Top Show, hosted by Sokol Balla, Monday at 21:00.

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