The opposition’s candidate for the Durres Municipality, Grida Duma,
presented her program which she promised to realize in the second
biggest municipality of Albania for the next four years.
Duma’s program base was synchronized with the national platform expressed by the Democratic Party, which is a reduction of local taxes with 30%, investment funds to help the youth that cannot get employed or who are unable to get loans.
The program was applauded by the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, who asid that the DP polls show that Grida Duma is a clear winner.
“Our polls show that Grida Duma not only is ahead, but the distance raises each day”, he declared.
Basha explained why the opposition has come with a platform and electoral promises that do not depend form the local government.
“They think these are local elections, but we cannot ignore the problems of the Albanian people whose pockets are emptied. We will make the proposition to reduce the energy price with 25% and we will not back off. We will reduce the fuel price and will not wait two other years. Otherwise, they will hear the voice of popular reason to which we have given shape in our platform, and which has only one goal, they will either accept this or they will face a battle without return that I and the DP will lead until victory”, Basha declared.
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