“Water pumps and tear gas against traitor offenders”, Rama warns disobedient citizens: It’ll cost you very dear

21/03/2020 15:59

Prime Minister Edi Rama has warned all those who violate the restriction rules against the CoVid-19 epidemic that they will face police forces, whom he will support even if they used tear gas against the offenders.

Rama added that anyone who disobeys the orders will face exemption from reimbursement and financial aid schemes.

“Standing on place or walking with others will no longer be tolerated peacefully. Fines and advice will no longer suffice. The red zone in Durres and Tirana will be identified and photographed and the violators will be put on a blacklist of traitors, which will cost them very dear. Any breaking of the law of war will be a great burden to them. All financial assistance will be waived for at least 1 year. Any scholarship or medicine reimbursement will be lifted even if they are retired. They break the law of war and will be penalized. They are a small minority but it can cost dear to the rest of the people. Every policeman or special forces are determined to use force and all means used in illegal gatherings, up to tear gas and water pumps. Those who have yet not understood must reailse that this is a world war. ” said Rama.

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