Votes in the wrong ballot box

16/05/2011 20:00

Now it is clear that the final result for the Tirana Mayor will have
contestations from the Democratic Party candidate Lulzim Basha at the
Central Election Commission, and also the demand for taking in
consideration a few votes for the candidate Lulzim Basha that were found
in a ballot box that belonged to the Municipal Council votes.

The matter that will be discussed, is if these votes are valid or not for the Democratic Party candidate. The Socialists think that these votes must be considered invalid, based on a decision that the same Central Election Commission has taken in 2007, when these kind of votes were considered invalid.

“Article no.3 of the Election Code provides that if the vote counters find votes inserted in the wrong ballot boxes, the first thing to do is to notify the Zonal Election Commission. This is signed at the protocol. If this ballot box is closed, and we find in another ballot box votes that belong to the first one, what will we do? We consider these votes as invalid and cut the problem short”, declared the CEC Chairman of the time, Çlirim Gjata.

“This will be solved by law. The other problem that shows up after this, is a decision that belongs to the commission. If there will be contestations, the envelope has been chosen already”, said at the time the same Democratic Party commissioner Njazi Kosovrati.

“Not approved. It is rejected”, said Gjata, giving the final decision.

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