US Embassy video explains how Albania will have new Constitutional Court after reform

13/08/2019 17:36

The US Embassy in Tirana has published a video in which they explain the process for selecting the Constitutional Court Judges.

Although this court has not been functional for a long time, due to the Vetting Process, the US Embassy says that with the judiciary reform, Albania will have a functional Constitutional Court, with qualified, impartial and apolitical judges.

“In the past video you learned about the vetting process. This week we will be speaking about the Constitutional Court. Watch this video to learn how Albania will have a functional Constitutional Court, with qualified, impartial and apolitical judges”, the Embassy says.

Çfarë është Reforma në Drejtësi – Gjykata Kushtetuese

??️ | Në videon e kaluar, ju mësuat mbi procesin e vetingut. Këtë javë, ne do të flasim për Gjykatën Kushtetuese. Shihni këtë video për të mësuar se si Shqipëria do të ketë një Gjykatë Kushtetuese funksionale, me gjykatës të kualifikuar, të paanshëm dhe apolitikë. #CfareEshteReformaNeDrejtesi #NdalKorrupsionit??️ | In our previous video, you learned about the vetting process. This week, we will talk about the Constitutional Court. Watch the video to learn how Albania will have an operational Constitutional Court with judges who are qualified, impartial, and apolitical. #WhatisJusticeReform #StopCorruption

Posted by U.S. Embassy-Tirana on Tuesday, August 13, 2019

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