3000 mujahedeens of the Iranian opposition inaugurate their “city” in Albania

12/07/2019 22:02

 3000 Iranian mujahedeens, opposing the current regime, residing in Albania with the assistance of the USA, have inaugurated today the Ashraf Camp 3, near Manza, 30 km from Tirana.

The footage show that the camp is very large, in order to fulfill the needs of the organization.

Many high-level officials were present in the ceremony, including Rudy Gioliani, the personal lawyer of US President Donald Trump; Senator Joseph Lieberman; Secretary Tom Ridge; Director Louis Freeh; General George Casey; General James Conway; Michelle Alliot Marie, former Foreign Minister and Defense Minister of France; Ingrid Batancourt, former presidential candidate in Columbia, who has been held hostage.

Maryam Rajavi, the President of the National Council of Resistance in Iran promised that their country is facing a historic turnaround. “The victory of the Iranian people and resistance against the theocratic regime is certain”, she said.

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