WB: Loans according to realization of investments
06/14 00:00
Albania wins friendly match against France
06/13 00:00
Lushnje, new refrigerating storage for agriculture
06/13 00:00
Basha: Don’t get deceived by Rama and Meta. Dont’ vote the government that steals
06/13 00:00
Rama in Tepelena: “DP has turned into a destructive force”
06/13 00:00
EC: Respect election standards, a new opportunity for decriminalization
06/13 00:00
Reimbursement scandal, Milva Ikonomi replaces Astrit Beci
06/13 00:00
Prosecution starts investigations for Durres voters’ list
06/13 00:00
Vore Mayor under investigation for buying votes
06/13 00:00
President meets German counterpart in Berlin
06/13 00:00
Meta in Bulqize: Arber Road, completed by Autumn
06/13 00:00
Basha in Burrel: June 21st, day when government will be held accountable
06/13 00:00
Basha in Berat: Government arrogance increased problems
06/12 00:00
Rama inspects coastline works
06/12 00:00
President’s absence postpones important HCJ meeting
06/12 00:00
Albanians not looking for charity, but for solutions
06/12 00:00
More power to municipalities. Minister: “Decentralization will be gradual, from 2016”
06/12 00:00
Customs scanning concessionary agrees to reduce fee
06/12 00:00
Competences of new municipalities, Rama: Local government, more powerful”
06/12 00:00
Hot weekend expected, temperatures 37-37 degrees
06/12 00:00
Parliament passes law for illegal buildings since 2009
06/12 00:00
US Embassy: “No vote, no power. Vote!”
06/12 00:00
Prosecution challenges court decision that finds Arben Frroku not guilty
06/12 00:00
PJIU comments Greek Minister declarations; “Neo-Nazizm reigns in Greek Parliament”
06/12 00:00
President Nishani in Berlin: “Preserving common moral and social values”
06/12 00:00
Territorial reform, Rama: New Municipalities, economic development units
06/12 00:00
Top Channel’s investigation led to arrest of corrupted judge and lawye
06/11 00:00
Meta: We’re in a race without opponents, the opposition only defames
06/11 00:00
Debates forBuilding Legalization Law
06/11 00:00
Meta: June 21st, message of responsibility, not defamation
06/11 00:00