5671 plants of cannabis eliminated in Shkoder
08/20 00:00
Ministry of Finances: “Tax threshold for online purchases equal to EU countries”
08/20 00:00
Man who terrorized Vlore citizens was a mental patient
08/20 00:00
Divers bring out bodies of two drowned teenagers
08/20 00:00
Parliamentary Session starts with “Vetting” and a new law against media
08/20 00:00
Palasa murderer of 12-year-old appears in Court
08/19 13:10
46-year-old arrested for sexually abusing his 15-year-old daughter
08/19 11:35
Slovenian UEFA President candidate visits Albania
08/19 00:00
126 Albanains detained in Barcelona with false documents
08/19 00:00
DP: “Rama gives 600.000 EUR fund to company where his wife’s daughter is employed”
08/19 00:00
Citizens flock Post Offices after government changed Custosm Tax Fee threshold to 22 EUR from 150
08/19 00:00
Police: “Banks must be forced to increase security measures”
08/19 00:00
EU, 4 principles for Vetting law, red lines and millions in EU funds
08/19 00:00
DP: “Rama’s police leaders manage drug traffic”
08/19 00:00
President meets Himara community representatives about property issues
08/18 00:00
Psychiatric Hospital: “We report dangerous patients to police”
08/18 00:00
Police: “We identify dangerous mental patients, but we cannot intervene”
08/18 00:00
Article 13, SMI: “Vetting for media outlets is unacceptable”
08/18 00:00
Albanian-Bulgarian drug network destroyed in Spain
08/18 00:00
Marknikollaj, Greek Police: “Internal Invesetigation for cause of death”
08/18 00:00
Higher temperatures on the last week of August
08/18 00:00
DP: “Police officials implicated in drug traffic”
08/18 00:00
Reviewing the “Media Article”, Xhafaj: “Its purpose was not to limit media freedom”
08/18 00:00
Palasa murder could have been avoided
08/18 00:00
Police: “There is no secret report for cannabis”
08/17 14:10
President to meet with PG and Justice Minister over death of Albanian immigrant in Greece
08/17 13:10
Mentally ill drug addict decapitates 12-year-old nephew in Palasa
08/17 11:50
Justice Commission meeting: “Vetting within August”
08/17 11:45
Joe Biden in Kosovo: “Demarkation needs to pass”
08/17 10:45
Another meeting of Serbian and Albanian Prime Ministers?
08/17 00:00